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Grazing Lands Technical Monitoring Approach

Beckie Phillips

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Monitoring outcomes following implementation of adaptive, multi-paddock (AMP) grazing techniques will require manager and mentor to agree on how successful implementation should improve ecological indicators:

Before implementation, the rancher previously:

1) elucidated goals and future resource base and expected trial outcomes;

2) documented past grazing use/plans;

3) spoke with a local mentor about site-specific issues;

4) walked the section with NDGLC representative, where the rep identified patterns in forage production and use, evidence of bare soil or erosion;

5) prepared a grazing plan;

6) was briefed on ecology of things—how changing one thing changes everything;

7) was briefed on Coalition goals—information sharing and support;

8) was briefed on information needed to initiate changes of their own;

9) was briefed on principles surrounding low input perennial grasslands.

The Rep will enter survey questions, maps, data, and photos into the producer database. Rep will collect useful field data that will help the rancher see how his/her pasture changed as a result of grazing management. These data may would not be collected by the producer but by the Rep. These data may include pre- versus post implementation for variables such as:

1) calculation of carrying capacity based on forage or animal gains per acre or total AUs

2) estimates of bare ground

3) pasture production

4) plant diversity

5) root mass/length

6) soil aeration/infiltration/compaction/erosion

Other objectives:

A. Develop outreach materials to inform the public and the market of Coalition benefits. Educational materials should address the question “How can grazing systems help me?”

B. Gain a seat at the table among agricultural and conservation groups.

C. Work with partners/funding agencies to develop a way to share information

D. Pursue video library and podcast creation (e.g. Menoken farm)

E. Provide broad (not specific) geographic data map representing mentee/mentor partners, number of acres impacted, type of operation, date implemented, etc.

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Beckie Phillips

NDGLC Task List Description Oct 10 2019

Identify minimum data collection needs for assessment and monitoring with privacy considerations

Express why we need the data and how the database is secured. Determine monitoring variables and protocols suitable for producer or Field Rep and how we plan to use these data.

Determine database options and recommendation based on data needs

Determine the database software that meets the needs of the organization.

Develop producer interview questionnaire

Research survey questions applicable to producers mildly interested and those interested in implementation. Set up ranch location files and variables that are needed at each location, including management and priorities.

Conduct database training

I will work with Trish for a few minutes each week on Zoom…


Beckie Phillips

NDGLC Draft Plan to Accomplish by March 15 2019

Overarching Goal I

Implement improved grazing systems for 40,000 acres in North Dakota.

Step 1. Connect with over 100 producers for the purpose of introducing them to the NDGLC and their mission of promoting the health and regeneration of North Dakota grasslands through ranchers networking and sharing. Provide a vision of using livestock as tools for improving the quality of soils and pastures and ultimately the quality of life (BECKIE and TRISHA).

Step 2. Identify at least 20 producers interested in implementing cell grazing systems (TRISHA).

Overarching Goal II

Expand the understanding of how to promote health and regeneration of ND grasslands through education and outreach

Step 1. Prepare outreach materials…


Ecological Insights 195 69th street SE Hazelton ND

Website updated September 2024

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