Grazing Lands Carbon Cycle Research and Education
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Catchments of the Prairie Pothole Region
Modeled Catchments and drainage lines are mapped with NWI wetlands for the focus areas located in Sheridan County, North Dakota. Four topographic units are used to delineate Headwater Wetlands: hillslopes, zero-order catchments, transitional channels, and first-order stream channels. Headwater Wetlands are those located at the upper reaches of the watershed, where there are no contributory wetlands upstream or those with stream order equal to one. These are depicted as red polygons. Wetlands located within 50 m of higher order drainage lines in a common catchment are classified as Network Wetlands in yellow.
Drainage networks and Catchments are based on fine-scale elevation data (< 1 m vertical resolution). These data were modeled according to McCauley and Andreau. Catchments are depicted in blue, and Catchment area is found by clicking on the object. The area for each NWI wetland and water permanence class can also be found by clicking on the object. Volume data are shown for Catchments co-located with Headwater Wetlands, for these did not contain water when the bare-earth elevation data were collected.
The basemap indicates topographic relief based on coarse-scale elevation data (30 m vertical resolution).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2008) National Wetlands Inventory website. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.
Gomi, T., Sidle, R.C, Richardson, J.S. (2015) Understanding processes and downstream linkages of headwater systems. BioScience 25(10):905-916.
Strahler, A.N. (1957) Quantitative analysis of watershed geomorphology. Eos, T Am Geophys Union 38(6):913-920.
Intermap (2012) NEXTMap Digital Terrain Model.
McCauley, L.A., Anteau, M.J. (2014) Generating nested wetland catchments with readily-available digital elevation data may improve evaluations of land-use change on wetlands. Wetlands 34:1123-1132.
ESRI (2015) National Geographic World Map. ESRI. Accessed 2 April 2015.